Gender Strategy

UNDP Gender Strategy in Tajikistan

Gender equality and the empowerment of women are central to the mandate of United National Development Program (UNDP) and intrinsic to its development approach. It is a fundamental human right and a pathway to achieving all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Gender equality is identified as a key development accelerator in the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, endorsed by the Government of Tajikistan, the 2016-2030 National Development Strategy, and other key sectoral strategies.

The UNDP Tajikistan Gender Mainstreaming Strategy 2017-2020 aims to advance gender agenda in UNDP and in the country and strengthen expertise and accountability for delivering gender equality results. It is aligned with the 2016-2020 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and 2016-2020 Country Programme Document (CPD).

Achieving gender equality means transforming relations between men and women. It involves working with both women and men at the grassroots to empower women economically, socially and politically and at the macro-institutional level to support gender equality in policies and regulations.

Gender gap remains a pressing issue that needs to be addressed more effectively in Tajikistan. Gender bias goes both ways and often in interrelated manner. While women are more likely to fall victim to natural disasters due to lack of preparedness and gender stereotypes, men are more likely to die, while rescuing the vulnerable. As women face more discrimination in economic activities and have fewer opportunities for paid activities, particularly in rural area, men face the pressure of having to provide for their whole family and are often forced to migrate in search of unqualified jobs. Yet, women find themselves in a much more disadvantaged position.