Financial Analysis to Support SDGS Implementation in Tajikistan, Report

Financial Analysis to Support SDGS Implementation in Tajikistan, Report

December 27, 2018

In the 70th UN General Assembly in September 2015, the UN Member States unanimously adopted Agenda 2030 with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and recognized in the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development and adopted Addis Ababa Action Agenda that ODA itself will not be sufficient to achieve complex and highly ambitious SDGs.

In accordance with the new global development agenda the Government of Tajikistan adopted the National Development Strategy 2016‐2030 (NDS) and it’s the Mid‐term Development Programme 2016‐2020 incorporating the SDGs. A robust financing strategy, including mobilizing domestic financing from public and private sources, partnership with the private sector, innovative financing etc. would be necessary to help leverage and mobilize required resources to implement NDS/SDGs.

To help prepare the financing strategy, United Nations in Tajikistan initiated a rapid assessment of development finance in Tajikistan with an aim to inform the policy makers and development practitioners on the current state of financial flows for development from different sources. 

We hope that the results of this rapid study will inform the National SDG report and will contribute in the on‐going dialogue to explore new and innovative ways to mobilize domestic and international financing for SDGs implementation by 2030 in Tajikistan and contribute in the preparation of the financing strategy.

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